Jane Barnes, who has received fellowships from the NEA, the NEH and the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, has published two novels, I, Krupskaya: My Life with Lenin and Double Lives. Her essays and stories have appeared in MLLE, Mirabella, Prairie Schooner, Dialogue, and the Virginia Quarterly Review, among others. Barnes, who has written documentaries for American Experience, American Masters, and Frontline, lives in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Erika Howsare lives in Nelson County, Virginia and works as a journalist and birth doula. She has published poetry in Fence, Denver Quarterly, Verse and other journals, and nonfiction in Taproot and Coldfront. Her first full-length book, a collaboration with Kate Schapira called FILL: A Collection, was published in 2016 by Trembling Pillow Press.