Join us Friday, December 16 for readings by Lulu Miller & Kristin Swenson. 7:00pm at the Bridge PAI (209 Monticello Road). Always free & open to the public. Refreshments at intermission. This special holiday reading will be held in conjunction with the Gift Forest, a pop-up market featuring over 50 artists, makers and collectors from across the region.
Lulu Miller is co-host of the NPR program Invisibilia, a series about the unseen forces that control human behavior – our ideas, beliefs, assumptions, and thoughts. Prior to joining NPR in 2013, Miller taught and wrote fiction at the University of Virginia on a Poe-Faulkner Fellowship. Before that, she was with Radiolab, working as one of the founding producers on the weekly public radio show and podcast that weaves stories and science into sound and music-rich documentaries. Her work has been recognized by the George Foster Peabody Awards, Third Coast, and The Missouri Review.
Kristin Swenson, Ph.D. is associate professor of religious studies at Virginia Commonwealth University (affiliate) and a fellow at the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities in Charlottesville, where she writes full-time. Swenson’s work has appeared in The Christian Century, Publishers Weekly and The Huffington Post among other publications. An award-winning author, her books include Bible Babel: Making Sense of the Most Talked about Book of All Time and Living through Pain: Psalms and the Search for Wholeness.